Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Evil that is the Media

Sometimes the timing of things makes me wonder how much hell we are going to be put through in our healing process. One of the big stories around our area right now is a set of parents on trial for beating their 2 year old daughter to death. They torturned her for a whole day... A WHOLE DAY. The mom was pregnant with her 2nd child when she was arrested. Every single time the news has promos or comes on, the story is on there. It's in the papers....it's everywhere. I know it will always be hard to see these kind of stories, or to see parents mistreating their kids around us, but why this trial, why right now? It breaks my heart even more and fuels the anger and unfairness I already feel. It is a shame that such a beautiful little girl was given to such a cruel and heartless woman. I hope her new child will be given to someone who will love and cherish him/her. As for the parents...there is no punishment fitting for what they did... I wish all of us who have lost a small child through no fault of our own could stand before them for days on end telling our stories, letting them know that we would die for what they had...not kill it.


Mary said...

HUGS & PRAYERS! Eli is so blessed to have had such a wonderful mommy and daddy who took such great care of him and love him so much!

Anonymous said...

I know you have no heard from me in a whilke but we are still praying for you. I know how difficule it is to see stoires about other children being abuse. Shortly after I lost my little girl some woman push her car with her two children into the river. Sadly this happens all the time it just seem that we notice it more because we a grieving so much from the lost of our own loved ones. I won't tell you it gets easier, I think you just learn to accept it better. It is like I said before one of God's greatest gift is our memories so wa are able to keep our loved ones alive in our heart.

Anonymous said...

As I told your Mom some time back, God must have known you were a special family to have sent such a wonderful little man to you, and vise versa.. I wish there was something I could do to lessen your pain but all I know to do is pray for you... so I will continue to do just that.
Ruby T