Sunday, January 11, 2009

1/11 Update

They finally took the ventilator out last night. He had a rough night, but was safe in the arms of Auntie Crista. I finally managed to get some sleep but am still mentally worn out. He had been having some breathing issues this morning so they started giving him some oxygen. His blood gases came back normal so he is not on any type of machine to help him breathe right now. The doctor asked if he got worse today if we would want them to put the ventilator back on but I don't think we will. I know he would be better without the constant interruptions, so I'd ask them to stop drawing blood and taking vitals before I would consent to anything else. He had done great with his breathing until they decided to draw blood this morning.

The surgery for the g-tube is still scheduled for tomorrow, but we don't have a time right now. Our doctor is really amazing and I am so thankful for him. It has been such a different experience this time around.

My friends from MGR have put together a care calendar to help feed us for now. It will be great to not have to worry about dinner every day. They want us to be able to spend as much time with Eli as we can. I can't believe how sweet all of our friends and family have been. We had lunch and snacks brought up on Friday, coffee and oatmeal yesterday, and two bags of breakfast today. We are well fed if nothing else. The amount of calls, texts, and emails have been overwhelming too. I am so thankful so all the support and love.

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