Saturday, June 6, 2009

Through Eli's Eyes is now official in the state of Texas! I got the papers today. Now I just need to get lots more help with getting the financial part set up and maybe find someone to design a website. If anyone knows how to do a web page and would like to volunteer to help out, I would really appreciate it! I wouldn't mind some recommendations of designers just in case I do end up hiring someone to do it. I have to figure out how to get the domain name and all that too. I am totally CLUELESS on this part of things so it will be time to call on some friends for help! We can't accept donations that are tax deductible yet, but hopefully we can get that part progressing soon.

Thanks again to Robin for helping me start this process and guiding me through it. (HUGS) to you!


Anonymous said...

I think we need a facebook page too!


Murphy's Law said...


Meg said...

Hi Rita!
I'd love to help you with your website. I've taken web design and am ready for a project! Let me know if you still need someone. As a bonus, I have Damon to help me if I get stuck - he's a pro. ;-)