Saturday, May 2, 2009

How about a challenge? I know many of us are not at the weight we want to be. Some of you might be, but want to eat healthier and/or exercise. Let's do this together! I started a group on SparkPeople that I'd love for you to join and get healthy with me. SparkPeople is awesome! You can make goals, get a fitness plan, and track your food intake. I love it and it helped me on my past weight loss journey. The group name is Healthy Friends, so once you register, join my team and be ready to get healthy! (if you can't find the group, leave me a comment with your user name and I will send you an invitation to join).

I have some major emotional eating issues going on right now, so it will take me a bit to get my eating back to normal, but I hope to start exercising first and then use those good endorphins to help motivate me to healthier eating. Baby steps are the key. If you try to change everything all at once, you almost doom yourself to fail. Make one goal at a time and as you master the first, add in a second. My first goal is 30 minutes of exercise each and every day!

1 comment:

Lucy and Ethel said...

I'll be joining you :)
